Useful Links

Access additional information on documenting sources here:

Good essay writing and style guide information


APA (7th edition)

CMOS (17th edition)

MLA (9th edition)

Resources on paraphrasing

Google and Microsoft Word citation tools

These tools can be very helpful, but it is important to remember that machines need our help—they may process information very well, but we need to double-check that the information we put into the machine comes out the other end correctly. This means that using the automatic function of Google or Microsoft can save you time and energy, but you will still have to double-check that your citations are correct—both in-text citations and your reference list.

Software that creates and organizes your bibliographies

Sample research papers

Other useful links

APA Style (7th edition)

CMOS (17th edition)

CSE (8th edition)

MLA (9th edition)