According to the basic formatting rules, the pages in APA, including the title page, are double-spaced and have 2.54 cm (1-inch) margins. Page numbers appear in the top right corner 1.25 cm (0.5 inch) down from the top. It is recommended you stick to a commonly available font that is easy to read at 10–12 points.
If needed, up to five heading levels can be used to create sections for complex papers. These can be distinguished by bold and italics, as well as centering, left alignment, and indentation.
Students are encouraged to keep titles concise. Page number 1 appears in the top right corner. The full title should be in bold and in title case. It should be centred and appear on the upper half of the title page. The writer’s name, course, instructor and due date are centred one after the other halfway down the page.
Move your mouse over the underlined parts of the following example.
1The page number 1.27 cm (0.5-inch) down from the top right corner
? 2.54 cm (1-inch) margins from all edges of the paperFracking Waste Shipping Controversy The title centred in the upper half of the page in bold title case
Kaegan Kancachian Your or the writer’s name, centred
Department of Political Science, John Abbott College The department name and college, centred
Introduction to Political Science | 385-100-AB The course name, centred
Jane Deer The instructor’s name, centred
April 26, 2013 The due date, centred
All the pages following the title page also include the page number in the top right corner. The second page contains an abstract. This is a brief explanation of the contents of the paper not exceeding 250 words. The title “Abstract” is centred at the top of the page.
Move your mouse over the underlined parts of the following example.
2 The page number 1.27 cm (0.5-inch) down from the top right corner
Abstract The title, Abstract, centred the top of the page in bold title case
There are major concerns over long-term and adverse public health effects from exposure to harmful wastes and from the shipping of fracking waste. These are the result of an industry that is poorly regulated that also portrays and promotes its activities as clean and safe, despite evidence to the contrary. Popular movements and responses to the shipping of fracking waste are reviewed in terms of their success. A brief but comprehensive summary of the contents of a paper that helps readers decide whether to read it. It is usually 250 words or shorter.
On page 3, the full title is in title case and is centred above the beginning of the paper. Centred headings in title case will help readers follow the organization of the paper.
Align the text your document to the left margin. Indent the first line of each paragraph of text 1.27 cm (0.5 inches) from the left margin.
Move your mouse over the underlined parts of the following example.
3 The page number 1.27 cm (0.5-inch) down from the top right corner
Fracking Waste Shipping Controversy The title centred the top of the page in bold title case
Hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) is a process by which natural gas is extracted from shale rock by forcing tons of pressurized water, sand, and other chemicals (some of them being toxic) into a well. This technique is used to release and extract natural gas. Once the natural gas is removed, the water waste is locked underground in disposal wells (Platt, 2013). United States President Barack Obama’s… The first line of paragraphs is indented by 1.27 cm (0.5 inches).