Direct quotation / 2. Helping It Fit into a Sentence

When quoting directly, you may structurally change the direct quotation to help it fit into a sentence, but there are rules to follow.

Here’s a sample of a direct quote to which some changes were made.

Original text

Sort the statements in the exercise according to the alphabetical labels in the paragraph and click the Check button.

The future of education will continue to shift given that “A [i]ncreasing access to affordable post-secondary education is unlikely to continue BC [due to] well-educated individuals [who] will accept work for which they are overqualified” (Smith, 2007, p. 47). Furthermore, the new graduates will be “willing to relocate… [even with]… a high debt-load, further impeding…participasion D [sic]” E [emphasis in original] (Smith, 2007, p. 47).