Step 2
Collect Source Information

Your second step is to collect information from each source that you intend to use. Every time you select a source to use, answer the following questions:

Who is the author?

Take note of the original authors’ first and last names, but also collect information on editors, translators or other relevant contributors.

What is the title?

What is the title? If there is no title, how can it be described?

How was it published?

List the publisher or sponsor organization – this is the organization or company that made the publication possible. If viewed online, collect any additional information on distributors or broadcasters.

Where did you find it?

Whether it is a hardcopy or digital, collect all the information about its location including the URL and/or DOI so the version referred to can be easily found.

When was it published?

In addition to the date of publication, collect information on year of original publication, release date, date it was last updated, and/or the date it was accessed.

Please complete the activity below.

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