Direct quoting / 1. Determine the Length of the Text

If you choose to include extracts from another source to support your ideas, it’s important to make it clear that you are using someone else’s words in your own text. 

The technique you should choose depends on the length of the text you are quoting directly.

  1. First, determine the number of lines the quote will require within your text.
  2. If your quotation is three or fewer lines long, use quotation marks.
  3. If your quotation is longer than three lines, use block quoting.

Quotation marks: Three lines or fewer

If your direct quotation is three lines or fewer, leave it in the body of the paragraph and insert quotation marks.

The future of education will continue to shift given that “[i]ncreasing access to affordable post-secondary education is unlikely to continue… [due to] well-educated individuals [who] will accept work for which they are overqualified” (Smith, 2007, p.47).

Block quoting: More than four lines

If your quotation is three lines or longer, use block quoting. For this technique, indent only the left side of the quoted text by one inch. Do not use quotation marks.

Increasing access to affordable post-secondary education is unlikely to continue in the shifting global economy which is providing new, lower paying jobs in the service sector. Many well-educated individuals will accept work for which they are overqualified when they are unable to find work in their field. Additionally, the new job force initiate no longer expects to work and build a career with one organization, but rather is willing to relocate or accept work below his/her training level in order to build experience. This results in a larger number of underemployed individuals globally. The contemporary Western student will also graduate in the coming years with a high debt-load, further impeding his/her ability to maximize economic participasion. In spite of this, university enrollments continue to rise (Dobbins, 2012, p.63).

Recap quiz

Select the correct statements among the following.